
These are the simplest, although most expensive, of all the systems – it’s just an underground holding tank that needs to be emptied more frequently. On average, cesspits need emptying every 6-12 months. What you need to know about your system! Make you know which of these you have – a septic tank, package sewage treatment plant or cesspit Make sure you know where it is Check if you share it with neighbours Find out where the treated liquid goes Check if there are any potential risks to nearby watercourses, boreholes or springs used for drinking water

It’s worth finding a specialist Environment Agency registered contractor or company that deals with the maintenance of treatment plants and septic tanks. You’ll be able to find local professionals online or in the Local papers.

Drainage Field

A drainage field should consist of a series of pipes with holes that allow the liquid to trickle through the ground. If you lift the manhole for your tank you should be able to see the pipes. The drainage field should also be regularly checked as the pipes can become blocked over time.

Recognise your Cesspit and Drainage Field

Connecting to mains sewage  

It’s really important that you let United Utilities know if you want to connect to the mains sewerage system and that you follow the application process.  Details of this can be found Here

They will need to make sure the local sewer network has sufficient capacity, and that your connection is carried out in the right way to avoid problems, such as blockages or cross connections.

You can find out about the ins and outs, and apply for a connection here.

Still need further information or help? Please United Utilities here Contact United Utilities.