Septic Tank Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about how your system works here and then read more about Emptying Your System. These Mythbusters should help you to understand your system, and our Glossary will help you familiarise yourself with terms.

We’ve put together some examples of community Septic Tank Clubs [link]. If you would like to know more or to find out who else might be interested in your area contact [xxx]


The current advice from the Environment Agency is that septic tanks should be emptied once a year although this can be less frequent depending on usage and on manufacturers guidelines, find out more here.

You are limited to discharging a maximum of 2,000 litres of treated sewage per day into the ground or 5,000 litres of treated sewage per day to flowing water. If you discharge more you will need a permit. Calculate how much your system is discharging at Environment Agency will usually firstly try to provide advice and guidance to help resolve the issue. If this is not successful further enforcement action may be taken.