Information Park for Property Owners and Managers
We know that you, like so many of us that live, work and visit here, have a great love for Windermere, and its surrounding meres, tarns and becks.
But unfortunately, as you may have heard, the water quality of the Windermere catchment is at risk.* The consequences of poor water quality include potential health risks to dogs, wildlife, and a negative impact on our local economy.
We are at a crucial point where the action we can take today in our homes and businesses
will make a noticeable difference. So, if your property is not serviced by mains drainage, it is really important to look after your sewage system.
We’ve been working with partners to bring you this pack which contains everything you need to help you to do that. You’ll find tips about how to tackle the other household sources of phosphates, and advice for businesses too.
We all have a role to play and the good news is that if residents, businesses, land managers, visitors and utility companies work together, we can make a BIG difference.
Download Pack
Click on the logo and download the Windermere property pack now.
* Windermere catchment is defined as the area that drains into Windermere covering an area of 235km2 .In addition to Windermere this includes Stickle Tarn, Easedale Tarn,Grasmere, Rydal Water, Elter Water, Esthwaite Water, and numerous smaller tarns too. The water quality in the catchment is currently mixed in its classification ranging from ‘High ’in some areas to ‘Poor’ in other under the UK Water Framework Directive. The Water Framework Directive currently requires all water bodies to achieve ‘Good’ ecological status by 2027.
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